Tuesday, May 29, 2012

What's That Crap On Your Face?

I recently found an old brush of mine that I thought I had lost on the floor under my dressing table. It was covered in dust and old make up. And that's when it occurred to me.

I haven't cleaned my brushes in months. 

I scrunched up my face in disgust, grabbed up my brushes, and gave them a long over-due washing! 

So here's a lecture for all the lazy girls.
Would you clean your face with a dirty towel? Re-used tissues? No! 

Did you know that your face sheds millions of dead skin cells everyday, and that every time you put foundation or blusher on, it's getting caught on your brush? Gross, yes?

Here's just a glimpse at what your makeup brushes can carry: 
Old makeup, dirt and dust, bacteria, oils, dead skin cells.

So what's my point?

They're an investment. You want a positive return on your investment- not a loss. Clean, clean, clean. Don't exfoliate during the day and then use a dirty brush on fresh skin!

I can not stress how important it is to wash your make up brushes. If you don't, it could be the reason you're breaking out! And wouldn't it be ridiculously counter-productive to cover up our blemishes with brushes that could be making it worse?

And it's SO easy. 

All you need is a sink with warm water flowing, and a make up brush cleanser or baby shampoo. I've been using M.A.C's brush cleanser for years. 

This is how dirty my brushes were before.

What you want to do is hold each brush facing downwards under warm water.

Next, pour just a little bit of the brush cleanser in the palm of your hand, and rub the brush around on your hand. You should see colour coming out on the palm of your hand. Enjoy it, that's the crap that you were just about to ignorantly put on your skin.

Wash it under the water again, squeezing out the water from the roots to the tips.

Pour a drop of the brush in the palm of your hand again, and rub in your brush carefully (like paintbrush strokes -back and forth,- don't drive your brush roughly) until you get a white lather. That's when you know the brush is clean and there's no more old dirty makeup or dirt in there. 

Wash it under lukewarm water again. 

Squeeze out the excess water -always pointing downwards (you don't want to wash the dirt back into the brush)- and make sure the water droplets come out clear.

Shape your brush to the way it's supposed to look, and set on a clean towel to dry.

This is how clean my brushes were afterwards! You wouldn't even have guessed that some of those brushes were originally white!

And that's it! 
I recommend doing this at least once a month if you regularly put make up on. And maybe even once a week (or more if you're not too lazy) with your foundation brush.  

Hope you found this helpful. If you have any questions, do drop me a comment or an email- I would love to hear from you! Also, if there is anything you would want to read a post on, I'd be glad to do what I can although I'm no expert. 
And please follow the blog to keep up to date with more posts coming up. It's easy-peasy. Just drop your email on the right corner of the blog, and I promise I won't flood your email with too many updates.

Have a lovely evening!


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